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How To Give Powerful Feedback
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Contact Details (1:41)
Why Giving Feedback Is So Important
01 - Why employees want and need more feedback (4:53)
Critical Feedback Priniciples to Follow
10. What To Focus Your Feedback On (6:53)
11. Give Feedback Quickly (3:00)
12. Using Examples & Evidence In Feedback (4:46)
13. How to Give Feedback with Diplomacy & Consideration (8:05)
13.1 Exercise - Giving Praise
The Direct or Telling Feedback Approach
21. Ask Permission (Step 1) and Describe What Happened (Step 2) (4:27)
22. Explain The Impact (Step 3) (5:10)
22.1 Exercise - Giving Specific Praise
23. Explain Why (Step 4) and Ask for Feedback (Step 5) (4:48)
24. Explore How To Improve (Step 6) (5:21)
24.1 Exercise - Giving Praise Using the Telling Method
24.2 Exercise - Giving Corrective Feedback Using the Telling Method
The Indirect or Questioning Feedback Approach
31. 4 Reasons to Use the Questioning Approach for Giving Feedback (6:10)
32. Ask Permission (Step 1) and Ask Them to Describe What Happened (Step 2) (4:04)
32.1 Example Questions
33. Ask Them to Describe The Impact (Step 3) and Explain Why (Step 4) (4:43)
33.1 Example Questions - Explaining The Impact and the Why
34. Explore Altenatives (Step 5), Choose Best Option (Step 6), Coach (Step 7) (3:46)
34.1 Example Questions
34.2 Exercise - Giving Praise using the Questioning Method
34.3 Exercise - Giving Corrective Feedback using the Questioning Method
35. Providing Feedback Using Both Methods (3:59)
35.1 Exercise - Using Both Methods Interchangeably
How To Receive Feedback As A Manager
41. The Importance of Asking for Feedback as a Manager (7:31)
42. How to Receive Feedback as a Manager (8:28)
42.1 Exercise - Asking For Feedback
Building a Feedback Culture In Your Team
51. How to Teach and Coach Staff to Give Feedback (5:30)
52. Building a Feedback Culture in the Team (6:37)
52.1 Exercise - Building a Feedback Culture in Your Team
60. Final Thoughts (1:42)
Course Quiz
Course Quiz on Giving Powerful Feedback
52. Building a Feedback Culture in the Team
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